Please meet baby Easton, by far the easiest baby I have had the pleasure of working with. This little champ slept through the entire thing and the shoot lasted less than an hour! These are how it's supposed to be! He was amazing to say the least and such a handsome little man. And as for the first time parents, as calm and happy as can be. Little E sleeps well through the night, a big help for mom and dad, a blessing for sure!
Thanks for letting me into your home, I hope you like what you see!

Love these two pictures, the yellow blanket was his dad's when he was a baby and of course we've gotta show some UK pride!
And last, it's not uncommon for the little ones to take a bathroom break when they are naked, luckily we've only had pee and no BM's, but this would be my first accident on the parents. Dad was a good sport about it and gave a smile!