Meet sweet little baby Logan, all bundled up and oh so cute! I forget how little babies are now that my youngest is almost one. They grow so fast, but I was lucky enough cherish the littleness during this shoot. Mom I hope you like what you see, so here are a few for your viewing pleasure.

Can't forget about big sis, who I photographed here when she was just a newborn. I heart this picture, so innocent!

A funny thing about this next set. We asked sister to give baby a kiss, she sweetly did as she was told and then exclaimed after that she shouldn't give her brother a give because he could get sick. Mom then explained to me that sister had a cold when he was born and she was asked not to give brother a kiss at the time, she is obviously all better now! Just so funny in her actions!
One of the few I got of him in his birthday suit, he sure liked to be bundled up nice and warm!